





心不老的湯米 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




保存幸福比創造幸福來得困難的多.....但沒有持續的創造幸福,它們的保存期限是很短的...唯有每一天每一分每一秒持續不斷的讓幸福湧進...才有辦法趕上它消失的速度。但如果有人問我創造幸福累嗎? 我會毫不猶豫的說不,因為”累”的人創造不出幸福,只有幸福的人創造的出一樣的幸福。就像陽光一般,它不會覺得每一分每一秒都要持續送出溫暖而累,而且也只有溫暖的陽光有能力給予溫暖,當然.....接收溫暖的大地也從不嫌溫暖太多.....因為溫暖就跟幸福一樣...需要持續不斷的創造...才能讓大地一直保持暖和...




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心不老的湯米 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()



在走向車子的一小小段路中...一句話射進我腦海裡...我要去哪裡?...學校? Webb Center? 圖書館? 還是先不管怎樣開了車再說? 我沒有答案...心裡一鎮寂靜...啪!啪!啪!...突然一隻小松鼠從我身邊跑了過去...它不急不徐的用它一貫的步調往前跑...感覺它很清楚要去哪裡...那裡有什麼東西在等著它...是食物? 朋友? 還是另外一隻跟它心靈相通的另一半? 我也許永遠不會知道...我唯一知道的是...我有一種羨慕它的心情...


心不老的湯米 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


深深的吸了一口氣抬頭仰望著飄著幾片白雲的天空陽光彷彿好久好久沒有露出臉來今天特別的灼熱和刺眼就這樣呆了幾秒鐘感覺脖子上一陣僵硬才慢慢的把已經呈現仰角的頭顱給放了下來眼前已經看不見過去幾個星期常出現的白煙即使很用力且刻意的吐個大氣也還是不見白煙的蹤影天氣真的開始暖了嗎? 但為什麼我感覺不到呢? 我的心是否也應該要開始暖了呢? 還是它仍然想著要在寒冷中再多待一會兒?

一個跟平常沒有什麼不一樣的星期一星巴克前依然排著跟我一樣渴望著讓一杯熱咖啡打開新的一天的人們但是對我來說這個平凡到不行的星期一卻那麼的不同雖然只過了一個星期我好像已經過了一個月一季甚至一年的感覺好久好久了想到這裡突然發現地上一張星巴克的餐巾紙在飄ㄚ飄的彷彿在用它所熟悉的舞蹈來鼓勵我跟我說像它一樣被人用了就丟的餐巾紙也是可以快樂的飄著在那當下好像整個空中都是它的…“What can I get for you?”…”Sir???”…此時我才恍過神來匆匆忙忙的把咖啡給點了

拿著咖啡無意識的走到Webb Center外面的木頭椅子上酌了一口還是很燙的white chocolate mocha…大叫一聲”Hot!”…斜眼發現經過的路人學生連正眼都沒瞧我一下是我叫的不夠大聲? 還是我只是過份的要求別人的注意但其實我卻沒有發現我充其量也是這平凡星期一裡面的一個平凡元素? 不會有人注意到這星期一有多麼的不同也不會有人在乎這對我的不同其實我們每一個人都是那麼的微小

終於把咖啡喝完了還是一拐一拐的走回Webb Center…都怪自己昨天逞強的把繃帶拿掉今天好像又更痛了一點出門時還是乖乖的把繃帶給纏了回去走進Webb Center…第一眼就看到那張星巴克的餐巾紙已經停止飄揚靜靜的躺在人來人往的地上也許它累了吧? 看著想它一心想鼓舞的我而我還是一樣呆滯的看著它它也許累了不想理我了吧? 我走了過去把它從地上撿了起來塞進外套的口袋裡滿心希望它可以就此帶著我跟它一起跳舞飄揚

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The Chinese New Year will be coming in one day. Even though there will not be a huge celebration going on here in Norfolk, I can still smell the new-year air. Looking back at what has happened in my life for the past year, I still can’t believe I have gone this far and literally live and study again in the US.

For most of time, I have been wondering what or who leads me here and gives me this precious opportunity not only for a new career change but also for meeting a new right person. But now I know it’s the Lord. God has his plan on me and has been leading me since the time I even didn’t believe in Him. Thinking about this, I am so amazed that His work actually works for me.

Now I am sitting in Webb Center again like I did for most of Fridays before. It is not snowing today and the sky is so clear even though there are still clouds and winds. “Everything seems so peaceful to me” I said in my mind. In the past few weeks, challenges kept coming to attack me both in my personal life and at school. I was not afraid and didn’t feel overwhelmed either. It is because God has written something in my deep heart, “happily chasing happiness”.

He is so right. He leads me to find my happiness and now it’s my time to follow His words. No matter how hard the challenges will be and whether I will get hurt or not, I will keep chasing my happiness HAPPILY. Life is short. Having happiness to chase is already a precious gift. Thanks God. I really appreciate that from the deepest of my heart. Happy New Year to everyone reading this article…God Bless Y’all…

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"One week has passed and there are 13 more weeks to go." was said by one of my classmates last week. Time comes and goes very fast. Sometimes it doesn't leave any mark when you just realize it has been gone. This makes why time is so precious.

From a book called "The Purpose Driven Life" I have been reading lately, it says that people can make more money if they work harder. However, people can NOT make more time even though they try even harder than ever. It is just not gonna happen. We always have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks a year. Some people can make it look like 100 weeks while some can let them feel it is like only 20 weeks. It all depends on how you use it and what you use it for.

Given this kind of thoughts, when going back to look at what my classmate said, I suddenly get so much emotional and so many feelings come to my mind. How come I just let one week slide away without doing anything significant? What kind of change I am going to take to make the remaining 13 weeks even more valuable? I don't know yet, but I really need to figure it out sooner because the number is going to reduce to 12 very quickly while I am still thinking what to do.

It's time to stop here. It's time to do other things. It's time to realize what time means to me. It's also time to make myself a timed person who values time...

心不老的湯米 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Few days ago, a small plane landed in Norfolk International Airport. I was one of about 70 people sitting in that plane. Yes, I am back to the US, to the city of Norfolk, and to the campus of ODU. While going out of the airport, I asked myself that "am I ready for what will happen next?". Well, I didn't know at that point. Just remained silent and had no answer for my own question.

Now, I am sitting in a very familiar place, Webb Center, and reading one of required articles for next week. Am I able to answer that question which I couldn't respond few days ago? Well, yes, I can give myself an answer. It's "OBVIOUSLY NOT". Haha...the funniest thing here is that I already had this answer in mind few days ago, but I was just too weak to confront myself.

However, the truth is I am back here. Everything is back on track except for my mind. I feel my mind is still having its winter break that is expected to last forever......

OK...I am already saying something I can't understand now...anyway...Tommy is back and he will be ready any time soon...hopefully...^^

心不老的湯米 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


After a terrible storm striking this area for few days, it is finally sunny today. I went to church this morning and felt so powerless and hopeless. There are almost 4 weeks remaining until this semester ends. Two big exams and two huge papers are waiting for me to deal with them. Last week, I was experiencing a sudden emotional down to the hell and didn’t know the reason. It seems like this depressed feeling continues to affecting me and shows no sign to go away. Even though I prayed, shouted, cried, or simply slept, the more I did the more depressed I feel. Therefore, I changed my mind about not going back this winter and booked the air ticket back to Taiwan on 12/17.


It has been a while since I wrote something here last time. During these weeks, I had no motivation to write something, had no motivation to study, had no motivation to hang out with people, had no motivation to read, and even had no motivation to just walk out of my apartment. Sitting in a coffee shop, although the textbook has been opened for literally 2 hours, the page still remains at number 359, meaning I have not studied a single word and just sit here to do nothing.


I feel bad for myself, feel bad for my heart, feel bad for my soul, and feel bad for my entire body. God! I can’t believe I am here to study for the Ph.D. degree, which requires so much passion to complete it and even keep moving on afterward. But I even don’t have “passion” in my own dictionary. I feel like, look like and sound like an idiot, right?


I don’t know what I can expect from going back to Taiwan for 3 weeks, except for having good foods and good sleeps. Will those be enough for me to be recharged and ready for next semester? If it is, that might be a day dream, a really funny one.


Hey, I guess I have complained enough. Nobody will really care what I say here so I won’t waste any more time now. I’ll just stop here and see if I can encounter page 360 in next two hours. Anyway…God bless y’all.

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